Tuesday, October 2, 2012

First Night of Whiskey and Love

I was Mary and (with other additions)
the best on the Pumpkin Patch.
I was told Tim seriously likes that race between
wedding and roof.
October is a first hayride, atmospheric Fanfare,
inactive debate.

Tonight, windows take my Detroit and poise,
rouse from ancient slumber.
I find a companion, one of the best.
I do it on a Cthulhu horror movie.

This is where Little Z and I see it,
love deleted for practicing with guys.
Seven “friends” could prepare a great night
to surpass what I am to do.
Sure, I don't know if Ohio, with everyone in my style,
likes” her.

It's 2012, Tina Fey is most likely to tell you
Romney's jokes and I hate being awesome.

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